
The Pacific Kingdom of Tonga and its main island Tongatapu. A place full of coconuts, free bananas, many islands and white sand beaches where time stood still.

Local Deli Shop

Islands, ocean and coconuts

Palm tree - White sand - Ocean

Comfortable way of transport

Just a country road

Freezer in the jungle

Coconut cultivation for profit

Coconut farm

Somewhere in Tonga

How to create a new plantation

Coconut and crescent

Kolovai Beach

Island with bar

Island in the lagoon

The streets of the capital

Ha'amonga 'a Maui Trilithon

Our accommodation in Tonga

Interior details

Bar with a wonderful view

A wreck next to the bar

Siesta in the lagoon

Coastal cliffs

Hole into the sea

Mapu'a Vaea Blowholes

Evening cultural program

Feasting in style

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